Health Tips

Surface waters and aquifers can be contaminated by various chemicals, microbes, and radionuclides. Disinfection of drinking water has dramatically reduced the prevalence of waterborne diseases (such as typhoid, cholera, and hepatitis) in the Ghana. Other processes may also be used to treat drinking water depending on the characteristics of and contaminants in the source water.

Common sources of drinking water contaminants include:

Industry and agriculture. Organic solvents, petroleum products, and heavy metals from disposal sites or storage facilities can migrate into aquifers. Pesticides and fertilizers can be carried into lakes and streams by rainfall runoff or snowmelt, or can percolate into aquifers.

Human and animal waste. Human wastes from sewage and septic systems can carry harmful microbes into drinking water sources, as can wastes from animal feedlots and wildlife. Major contaminants include Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and E. coli.

Treatment and distribution. While treatment can remove many contaminants, it can also leave behind byproducts (such as trihalomethanes) that may themselves be harmful. Water can also become contaminated after it enters the distribution system, from a breach in the piping system or from corrosion of plumbing materials made from lead or copper.

Natural sources. Some ground water is unsuitable for drinking because the local underground conditions include high levels of certain contaminants. For example, as ground water travels through rock and soil, it can pick up naturally occurring arsenic, other heavy metals, or radionuclides.

Effects on Human Health

If drinking water contains unsafe levels of contaminants, it can cause health effects, such as gastrointestinal illnesses, nervous system or reproductive effects, and chronic diseases such as cancer. Factors that can influence whether a contaminant will lead to health effects include the type of contaminant, its concentration in the water, individual susceptibility, the amount of water consumed, and the duration of exposure.

Health effects of chemical exposure. Chemical exposure through drinking water can lead to a variety of short- and long-term health effects. Exposure to high doses of chemicals can lead to skin discoloration or more severe problems such as nervous system or organ damage and developmental or reproductive effects. Exposure to lower doses over long periods of time can lead to chronic, longer-term conditions such as cancer. The effects of some drinking water contaminants are not yet well understood.

Health effects of consuming water with disease-causing microbes. Most life-threatening waterborne diseases caused by microbes (such as typhoid fever or cholera) are rare in the Ghana today. The more common illnesses caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites can result in stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever, and kidney failure. Infectious diseases such as hepatitis can also occur. Hepatitis may be severe in people with weakened immune systems (e.g., infants and the elderly) and sometimes fatal in people with severely compromised immune systems.

 Tips for those who have reached Over:

   the 40years

   the 50

   the 60

 First tip:

 Always drink water even if you don't feel thirsty or need it... the biggest health problems and most of them are from the lack of water in the body. 2 liters Minimum per day (24 hours) 

Second tip:

 Play sports even when you are at the top of your preoccupation...the body must be moved, even if only by walking...or swimming...or any kind of sports. Walking is Good for a Star.

 Third Tip:

Reduce food...

 Leave excessive food cravings... because it never brings good. Don't deprive yourself, but reduce the quantities. Use more Of Protein,  Carbohydrates based Foods.

 Fourth tip

 As much as possible, do not use the Car unless absolutely necessary... Try to reach on your Feet for what you want ( grocery, visiting someone...) or any goal. Climb Stairs, than use Elevator,  Escalator

Fifth tip

 let go of ANGER...

 let go of Anger...

 let go of anger...

 Let go of Worry.... try to overlook things...

Do not involve yourself in situations of Disturbance... they all diminish health and take away the splendor of the soul.  Choose a babysitter you feel comfortable with. Talk to People who are Positive and Listen .

Sixth tip

 As it is said. Leave your Money in the Sun.. and sit in the Shade.. don't limit yourself and those around you... money was made to live By it, not to live For it.

Seventh tip

 Don't make yourself feel Sorry for anyone, nor on something you could not Achieve,

  Nor anything that you could not Own.

 Ignore it, Forget it;  

Eighth tip

Humility.. then humility.. for Money, Prestige, Power and Influence... they are all things that are corrupted by Arrogance and arrogance..

 Humility is what brings people Closer to you with Love.

Ninth tip

If your hair turns Grey, this does not mean the End of Life.  It is proof that a Better life has Begun. Be Optimistic, live with Remembrance, Travel, Enjoy yourself. Make Memories!

       EFFECT OF WATER                  

  We Know Water is 

       important but never 

       knew about the 

       Special Times one 

       has to drink it.. !!

       Did you  ???  

 ðŸ’¦ Drinking Water at the 

       Right Time ⏰ 

       Maximizes its 

       effectiveness on the 

       Human Body;

       1️⃣  1 Glass of Water 

              after waking up -

             ðŸ••⛅ helps to 

              activate internal 


       2️⃣  1 Glass of Water 

              30 Minutes  🕧 

              before a Meal - 

              helps digestion..

       3️⃣ 1 Glass of Water 

              before taking a 

              Bath 🚿 - helps 

              lower your blood 


       4️⃣ 1 Glass of Water 

              before going to 

              Bed - 🕙 avoids 

              Stroke  or Heart 


 You have a moral obligation to share it with others.

BY: Mark Neswin
