
Botanically speaking, a fruit is the mature ovary of a plant that contains the seeds used for reproduction.

A vegetable is any part of a plant that is edible and does not contain seeds, such as stems, roots, leaves, flower etc.

Because carrots do not contain seeds, it is the root of the plant, so carrots are considered vegetables, more specifically, carrots are fruit vegetables.

How to differentiate between fruits and vegetables?

Many vegetables are wrongly categorized as fruits. However, humans use two straightforward methods to distinguish between fruits and vegetables: the botanical method and the gastronomic method.

They can be identified botanically based on whether they have seeds or not. For instance, because tomatoes have seeds, they are considered fruits, but carrots do not, making them considered vegetables. In terms of cuisine, fruits must have a sweet flavor, but vegetables might either have a savory or bitter flavor.

 Generally, fruits are only suitable for eating raw, although carrots can also be eaten raw, but cooked carrots are more nutritious than raw carrots.

Carrots are the best source of carotene, and a medium-sized carrot contains about 4.5 mg of carotene. If you eat raw carrots, the body's absorption rate of carotene is only about 10%

Cooked or fried carrots, the absorption rate of carotene can reach more than 90%.

Since carotene is a fat-soluble vitamin, adding edible oil can increase the bioavailability of carotene.

After carotene enters the body, about 50% will be converted into vitamin A under the action of enzymes. Vitamin A can enhance and protect vision, maintain normal visual function, and is very beneficial to eye health.
