Samuel Arhin, a renowned Phones and accessories dealer  #kobbystonephones at Koforidua within  Kumasi station with over 10 thousand customers across Ghana also has a foundation called kscarefoundation with the determination of helping orphanage, few days ago kscarefoundations visit Hourofgracechildrenshome at #huhunya in Yilo Krobo municipality of the Eastern region to reach them with this Vision ‘’Humanity starts with charity” During  conversation the one in charge of HOUROFGRACECHILDRENSHOME made to “KSCAREFOUNDATION that we are facing a lot of challenges within here even sometimes how to carter for them.


On the Sunday 20th August,2023 which also is the birthday of the CEO OF KOBBY STONE PHONES AND KSCAREFOUNDATION with his team use this opportunity to celebrate his birthday with hour of grace children’s home and as a result they provide them with an amount of ghc15,000 and food staff because this orphanage is unable to fend for themselves during this hard time.

After donation, management of the Orphanage home were grateful to the KSCAREFOUNDATION for the kind gesture and indicated the donation would go a long way to make the children happy in this hard time.

According to Mr. Samuel Arhin who’s known for being benevolent and best ever phone dealer and accessories in Eastern region, he was led by God to show such kindness to these orphanage home who are in need. He added that his inspiration for his benevolence is found in the book of Matthew 25:35-40 which encourages Christians to show love and do good to persons who are in need.

"This is all I was able to do." Since nearly everything has come to a standstill during this difficult period, I felt compelled to express some love to the HOUROFGRACECHILDRENHOME children who are unable to care for themselves. It is expected of us as Christians and businessmen to be kind to those who lack. When you do this, you do it for God, and He will continue to bless you and everything you do, Mr. Samuel Arhin, according to his blog post at

"They say your friends are the family you get to choose. If you’ve chosen wisely, you already know how much value they can add to your life. Best friends hold a special place in our hearts, but the benefits of having a close friend run much deeper. Simply put, if you have at least one friend, who you can look at like a sister (or brother), and count on no matter what, consider yourself lucky''.

Thank you 🙏 all for your Warm Birthday 🎉 wishes & supporting KS CARE FOUNDATION…. I really Appreciate 🙏….. GOD BLESS US ALL 〽

From the CEO of Kobby Stone Phones & KS CARE Foundation 〽

For all kinds of phones and accessories contact #kobbystonephonesandaccessories from Monday to Sunday.