Kidney disease is when your kidneys are damaged in some way and cannot filter blood effectively.

A nutritionist educates Ghanaians on the possible problems of consuming stinky fish such as momoni, kako and koobi. Forzia Baidoo, a nutritionist at Meridian Medical Center, advises that eating too much momoni, kako and koobi is not healthy.

She explained that they are salty and that their frequent panning would cause ordering problems.

Another cardiologist, Dr. Abdul Sahmed Tanko, advises against eating too much sprinkled tilapia (commonly known as koobi) and rotten fish (commonly known as momoni) as it can cause heart problems.According to him, too much salt in Koobi and Momoni can damage our heart and should be eaten in moderation. "We put such a significant amount of salt in our food and it's not good for our health. Excessive consumption of 'koobi' and 'momoni' can cause heart problems and I advise against them. We have to consume them in moderation," he said. Dr. Sahmed Tanko, Head of Cardiology, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, speaks at the opening ceremony of World Heart Day in Accra.

 From Forzia Baidoo, they are both high in salt, so try to eat them sparingly. They add flavor to food but don't add any nutrition to it. They're dangerous flavors, says nutritionist on GTV show succeeded. "Kidney disease don't show any symptoms in the morning unless you've lost up to 90% of order functionality before you see any signs," says Forzia Baidoo.

The nutritionist also advises Ghanaians to eat a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables, legumes, animal and vegetable protein foods, and drink plenty of water to stay healthy.


The best way to prevent kidney disease is to make sure you drink plenty of fluids each day to avoid dehydration.

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1. Drink water, and count tea, coffee and other beverages.

2. Add fresh lemon juice to the water. 

3. Avoid carbonated drinks. 

4. Don't eat too much salt.