
Forged Video, No Ghanaian Involved in Israel-Hamas War — Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, with utmost care and concern for the welfare of its citizens, wishes to address a matter of significance. It has come to our attention that a video is currently circulating, propagating misleading information about the involvement of Ghanaians in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

It is with great responsibility that we must stress the need for vigilance and discernment when consuming news and media content. In an era where information can travel across borders within seconds, it is crucial to verify the authenticity and credibility of any news or video before drawing conclusions or making judgments.

Therefore, we kindly request the public to exercise caution and skepticism towards the aforementioned video, as it contains false and fabricated claims about the participation of Ghanaians in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The Ministry reassures the public that there is no evidence or substantiation to support such allegations.

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Our primary objective is to ensure the safety and security of all Ghanaians, both at home and abroad. We maintain robust diplomatic channels and continuously engage with relevant international bodies to stay updated on global developments, including conflicts. Rest assured that the Ministry remains committed to promptly providing accurate and reliable information to the public.

Last Saturday, October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement and the terrorist organization Hamas launched an unexpected and unprecedented air, sea, and land assault that resulted in over 1,000 Israeli fatalities. As a result, Israel declared war on both groups.

Additional deaths and injuries have also been caused by Israel's counterattacks on Gaza. Ghana's foreign ministry said in a statement dated October 11, 2023 that the incident seen in the viral video did not take place in Israel or Gaza and should be ignored.

They also informed the public that Ghanaian citizens currently residing in Israel are secure. However, hotlines were offered in case of any emergencies. The issue will be properly watched, the Ministry added, and updates will be sent as needed.

Read the full statement below:


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