3rd June 

The June 3 tragedy, which has been dubbed the "saddest" day in Accra's history, is the worst in recorded history and revealed flaws in the city's growth and design.


A tragic fire and flood calamity on June 3, 2015, marked a dark day in Ghanaian history. Scores of people suffered various degrees of burns and injuries that led to severe physical impairments, while an estimated 154 Ghanaians lost their lives.

After many hours of violent rain, the catastrophe happened in Accra, the nation's capital.

3rd June 

The tremendous downpour, which began as a typical downpour, affected most of Accra but inflicted severe damage on the Kwame Nkrumah Circle and its surroundings.


The Kwame Nkrumah Circle in the nation's capital saw a torrential downpour the previous night that was made worse when a neighboring gas station burst in the storm, shattering those who were seeking shelter inside and leaving many of them with permanent injuries.

The main storm drains of Accra, as well as squatter-built constructions that had obstructed waterways, were blamed for the floods since they had not been desilted. 

Some victims and the relatives of the deceased are still inconsolable over the passing of their loved ones and the lives they once led.

Ghanaians wonder what can be done to stop such a sad calamity from happening again. The twin disaster as many have coined it still has imprints of sadness and sorrow in the hearts and minds of many Ghanaians.

Due to obstructions in storm drains, the nation still faces flooding minutes after a heavy downpour eight years later.

More floods have continued to occur, thus it is reasonable to argue that we have grown desensitized to the ongoing issue.
