Migration infertility

A couple of years ago my girlfriend comfort, was consulted by a man and his wife. They came from Abandze, and they needed help.

They wanted a sixth child (yes indeed), and they didn’t seem to get pregnant.

So, his sperm was analyzed, some more medical examinations were performed, and then a rather interesting conclusion came out.

He was born with a congenital defect due to which there was no sperm in his ejaculate, nor had it ever been.

None of his five children were his, and now his nonexistent sperm needed help.

Of course, this help never came.

Comfort gently explained that there was no sperm in the ejaculate, and extremely gently explained in between lines that there might have never been. Usually, the typical paradoxes were quite different: men who underwent a vasectomy (on the girlfriend’s command), and years later suddenly the same girlfriend is pregnant — stuff like that.

Now it was the other way around. The dual world.

And still, while his wife knew all too well there was a different father for all of their children, she was the one who wanted the sixth child.

She was also the one who wanted to consult a urologist. (Comfort)

And instead of admitting the whole shebang, her explanation was:

“So strange — in Abandze we got pregnant really easily, but since we moved …”

And he bought it — every. single. word.

Migration infertility.


What a wonderful world.

