We all know that WhatsApp texts should be just as private and safe as face-to-face interactions. The cornerstone of that security is end-to-end encryption, and we'll never stop developing new features to provide you more privacy levels and greater control over your conversations.

Many of these tasks are completed without your involvement in the background. We're delighted to share with you today some of the new security enhancements we'll be implementing in the upcoming months.

Account Security: We want to confirm that it's truly you before you move your WhatsApp account to a new device. We may now request that you confirm your identity on your previous device. wish to do this as an additional security measure. This function can assist in warning you if someone tries to transfer your account without authorization to another device.

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Device Verification: Malware for mobile devices poses one of the greatest concerns to people's security and privacy in the modern day since it may use your phone without your knowledge and utilize WhatsApp to send unsolicited messages. We have implemented checks to assist verify your account - without requiring any action from you - and better safeguard you if your device is hacked in order to help avoid this. This enables uninterrupted use of WhatsApp. Expand on the technology here.

Automatic Security canons Our most security conscious users have always been suitable to take advantage of our security law verification point, which helps insure you're drooling with the intended beneficiary. You can check this manually by going to the encryption tab under a contact’s word. To make this process easier and more accessible to everyone, we ’re rolling out a security point grounded on a process called “crucial translucency” that allows you to automatically corroborate that you have a secure connection. What it means for you is that when you click on the encryption tab, you ’ll be suitable to corroborate right down that your particular discussion is secured. For those interested in going deeper into the tech, click then. These are three fresh ways we ’re helping secure your account. While there’s numerous effects, we can do to make security easy for everyone, there are two features that only you can turn on two- step verification and use of end- to- end translated backups. However, please tell your friends about them so further people can profit from these layers of security too, if you ’re formerly using both.
